8 research outputs found

    Swimming like algae: biomimetic soft artificial cilia

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    Cilia are used effectively in a wide variety of biological systems from fluid transport to thrust generation. Here, we present the design and implemen- tation of artificial cilia, based on a biomimetic planar actuator using soft- smart materials. This actuator is modelled on the cilia movement of the alga Volvox, and represents the cilium as a piecewise constant-curvature robotic actuator that enables the subsequent direct translation of natural articulation into a multi-segment ionic polymer metal composite actuator. It is demonstrated how the combination of optimal segmentation pattern and biologically derived per-segment driving signals reproduce natural cili- ary motion. The amenability of the artificial cilia to scaling is also demonstrated through the comparison of the Reynolds number achieved with that of natural cilia

    Pure and multi metal oxide nanoparticles: synthesis, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties

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    Nanoscale materials and their use in water contaminants removal—a review

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